Master Trainer

NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine)

(CPT) Certified Personal Trainer

(CES) Corrective Exercise Specialist

(CNC) Certified Nutrition Coach

(FNS) Fitness Nutrition Specialist

(BCS) Behavior Change Specialist

(WFS) Women’s Fitness Specialist

(PES) Performance Enhancement Specialist

(MMA-CS) Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Specialist

10+ Years Martial Arts Experience & Shudokan Karate Black Belt

I just wanted to change my body

To feel good about how I looked. Unfortunately, most people think this is an impossible task. The reality is - it is very possible and most people are fully capable of building the body they want. This simple motivating factor led me to a lifetime passion.

My secret?

I started while others waited. Especially in today’s fast paced media driven economy, we face constant “new and revolutionary” trends, efficiency secrets, perfect programs with “guaranteed results”, fake and very promising before/after pictures, etc. Most people are waiting for the perfect solution to their problems when they just need to start now and and pursue personal growth. It’s overwhelming with where to start.

14 years of experience

In combination with a questioning mind helped me dig to the roots of what works and what doesn’t. Time reveals all. The industry is full of BS that keeps you in the revolving door - sadly people stay here for far too long and end up wasting time and money on what doesn’t matter with nothing to show for it.

I have achieved all of my goals

I continue to strive for more - that is just how I have conditioned my mind and spirit. Failure is not an option. Strive for perfection and you just may become excellent. Question everything. Chase personal growth and self actualization. Learn and apply.

Real results with real people

There is nothing more encouraging as a trainer and coach than seeing people experience results like they never thought possible. This is what strengthened my confidence and drives me. It gets my rocks off seeing people get jack3d. When you discover you can change your reality through action - it can be revolutionary. What I bring to the table is simple: optimal programs, individual attention and advice with one outcome in mind = results.

Have you accomplished your goals?

Answer honestly. The difference between those who find continued success is a realistic audit of their own life and goals. A coach is a valuable asset in your personal journey. Along my own journey I was fortunate to have met many amazing people (bodybuilders, powerlifters, fighters, coaches, etc) from whom I was able to learn many great things. No one can do this 100% by themselves - we must separate ourselves from our ego, admit we can learn more, and be hungry for growth.

Learning, growing, and improving is vital

I can not do that for you - you must come prepared to keep an open mind and ready to work hard, make mistakes and fail, but you must never give up. The journey is about saying yes to challenge and adversity. It never gets easier, we build the habit of being resilient and consistent. You are always going to run into new challenges and struggles, it’s simply how we choose to face them and our attitude moving forward.

I leave you where we started

Just start while others stall

Chase being the best you can possibly be - keep an open heart and a curious mind. It doesn’t need to be 100% from day one. Just start - one step at a time. I’m here to help.